Contractor Connections
List of Verified Contractor Resources

Restore, Refurbish, Rebuild

We bring Quality contractors together with hurricane, flood and wild fire survivors. After such devastation, many homeowners and business owners have lost their contacts or have been bombarded with decisions and new faces and do not know where to turn. We will be bringing the homeowner or business owner together with local establish contractors who provide quality service.

Connecting Trustworthy Contractors

We host Restore, Refurbish, Rebuild events to connect verified contractors to the community. We also connect the surviving community with government and community agencies that they need during restoration.

Legal Shield (Stan McMillian) – 832-671-5050

Global Credit Repair (Luisa Deason) 832-244-2488

D Miller Law Firm (Giselle Loya) – 713-850-8600

O’Brien Roofing & Construction LLC (Jonathan O’Brien) – 832-802-3073

Freedom Solar Power (Johnna Stark)  210-867-2153

Please request quotes or services from our list of resources. The have provided 3 or more recent  references from clients who have been confirmed. Please update us on their services they provide for you.  Also, if you have worked with contractors who are not on our list that you would recommend PLEASE do so. We are growing our list to meet your needs in times of crisis or just general repair or renovations.